
wandering mind, wandering thoughts

Published on Jul 10, 2023

Reading time: 1 minutes.

Anyone who lies outside a particular category is an outlier.

An outlier can get treated as an outcast majority of their life.

An outcast is someone who is not part of the group and will never be part of the process.

Being an outcast will not make you an abomination, it can direct you in that direction though which can be dangerous.

But sometimes the most beautiful things in nature are an abomination.

Outliers that are outcasted can evolve.

The immense pressure that nature puts on us is what makes us evolve.

A barrier is a barrier until you see it as a hill with slope that can be climbed.

Some hills are taller than the others but it surely is possible to make it to the top.

Every step we take towards the summit is a step taken towards the evolution of mankind.

We must not do it because we can, we must do it because it’s necessary.

It’s necessary for the kind to evolve.

To see a better tomorrow for everything we do is passed down to the last strand of your DNA to the next in bits and pieces of information.

That is what makes us the immortally mortal beings that we are.

We must do it, you must do it.

You do it because you were meant to! You do it because you want to evolve.

You do it because you’re not the outcast but just an outlier meant to evolve on the blue marble in the sea of darkness and twinkling stars.